1950s style housewife

TradWives Won’t Save The World

But feminism just might.

Perhaps I have been sleeping under a rock, but I only learned about the term ‘TradWife’ about a year ago.  For those like me, who are not in the know, this is short for ‘Traditional Wife’.

Think 1950s housewife. Yes, you get the picture.

Although I have since read that even “off-griders” who home-school may refer to themselves as TradWives, too.

For a moment, I dream of the freedom this lifestyle could bring: No need to go to work for a start. I could just potter around the house all day preparing amazing meals. Vegan, of course. But would I have access to my own money? And would my husband demand meat on his plate?

Then I begin to contemplate other aspects of this lifestyle, and I realise that I don’t have the time or inclination to spend hours each morning styling my hair, doing my makeup, and ironing my clothes (or anyone else’s, for that matter).

As I dig deeper into this new-found terminology, I discover that a TradWife can be synonymous with the white nationalist movement. Not always, of course, but it seems to be the general gist from what I’ve read.

In this movement, they argue that feminism goes against the grain of traditional femininity. A woman’s place is in the home. Her role is to care for the house and all its inhabitants, all while being the perfect wife.

Feminism is a dirty word in the TradWife household.

This culture acknowledges that women want to be feminine (and that’s cool), but feminism disrespects their traditional views.

Those in the TradWife movement will argue that women feel empowered as they choose this lifestyle.

Kristen Michelle writes on her TradWife TradLife blog that the movement “… encapsulates women who consciously choose to embrace traditional roles within marriage, often prioritizing homemaking and raising children over career pursuits.”

That’s fine. I’m all for women being free to choose their desired life and lifestyle.

But what I don’t agree with is the disrespect towards feminism and the female ‘being’ of all species.

In this lifestyle, the man holds the power, and that makes me nervous. This lifestyle seems to close the doors on the social and environmental crisis we are in the middle of. If we don’t change what we eat and how we live, we simply won’t have a thriving planet to live on.

Consuming animals, mutilating the planet, and controlling women is at the root of patriarchal power. Modern feminists should be totally opposed to such notions.

So I put it to you: Feminism is Veganism.

Because how can it be about anything else?

To be a modern feminist (regardless of your gender identity) is, by its very definition, linked to choosing a vegan lifestyle.

The sheer mass of exploitation of the female species in food production is catastrophic.

On discussing gender exploitation in the natural world, academic Corey Wrenn writes “Like women, Nonhuman Animals are objectified, butchered, otherized, and offered for consumption.”

As a woman, I find the breeding, imprisonment, exploitation, and death of fellow female creatures (and their children) abhorrent. But we are so enslaved to this mindless system, perpetrated by large corporations, patriarchy, and lies, that most women out there don’t see what they are doing to their ‘sisters.’ Every time you go to the supermarket and buy meat, dairy, or eggs, you are making a statement against the female of every species.

Sexism and speciesism are so intertwined.

To believe in equality for all beings, human and non-human, is the backbone that upholds both veganism and modern feminism. You simply can’t profess to be a modern feminist and participate in food choices that harm and exploit people, animals, and our planet.

The patriarchal system governing most of the world continues to perpetuate the oppression of literally millions of women and billions of animals to serve and benefit a mere few. However, by speaking up for the invisible, who suffer in silence, we can all change this narrative.

If we lived in a world governed through a feminist lens, we could eliminate so much cruelty, violence, and inhumanity on many levels.

Feminism is what our world needs now more than ever if we are to survive.

UK actor Oliver Stark states it perfectly “I count myself as a feminist. I’m a vegan, so I believe in animal rights.”

To embrace modern feminism and veganism is so much more than a dietary choice. It is a choice that embraces social justice, promotes conscious awareness of the impact of our actions on the environment, and ensures commitment to equality and nonviolence for all beings.

American academic and author Professor Gary L Francione quite simply states…

“If you are a feminist and are not a vegan, you are ignoring the exploitation of female nonhumans and the commodification of their reproductive processes, as well as the destruction of their relationship with their babies;

If you are an environmentalist and not a vegan, you are ignoring the undeniable fact that animal agriculture is an ecological disaster.”

I’m not here to judge anyone’s choices.

We should all be free to live how we choose to.

I am simply exploring, reflecting, and writing my thoughts and views on this topic.

Regardless of whether you subscribe to a TradWife lifestyle or not, whether you are vegan or not, or support feminism or not, I encourage you to explore the innate qualities of a modern feminist point of view.

I ask you to see the world through the eyes of the unseen and choose a kinder way. Our planet is literally at a tipping point, and the choices we make now will strongly impact the future we leave for the next generation.

There is always a choice.

Choose love and compassion. Speak up for those who can’t. Choose to shop, eat, and live with kindness in your heart.

With love

Silva x

P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts about feminism in a context relevant to the times we live in (2024).

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash


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