13 Simple Steps to Boost Your Google Ranking

How to Write a Google-Loving Blog Post

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13 simple steps to boost your Google ranking

It’s no secret that most businesses want to appear on the first page of a Google search.

If you run a heart-centred business then I take a guess that you agree.

Consider this:  Let’s take yoga studios as an example.

Type in the key-words “Best Yoga Studios Melbourne” and just over 7 million results show up in Google.  Not counting paid ads, how do you ensure that your yoga business is showing up on that front page?  Because let’s face it, no one really scrolls through more than the first page or two in a Google search.

To pay or not to pay

Have you ever thought about paid advertising online, thinking that’s the way to go?   You probably think this is the way to get more people to read your blog posts.  But before you spend your hard-earned money let me give you some facts.  Organic click through rates, leading to purchases, are by far more profitable than paying for site traffic.  Recent research advises that 53% of traffic to your site will come from organic searches, and only 27% will come from paid advertising.

As a heart-driven business owner you may find you invest a lot of time developing your events, training or classes, and have little money left to pay for advertising.  Quite simply, advertising is super expensive for most small and new businesses to invest in.  Structuring well planned and well written blog posts could be just the organic business boost you need.

Sounds easy, right!

The good news is, you CAN write a Google-loving blog post

Here are 13 simple steps to boost your post’s ranking:
  1. Start with a well-written blog post. Make it interesting and relevant for your audience.  Write in plain English, check and recheck spelling and grammar, and add headings and sub-headings.  Include an introduction, the main body, and end with a good summary.
  2. If you are stuck for ideas try brainstorming. Get a big piece of paper and write down all the ideas and topics that your ideal customer would want to read about.   Do a bit of research online to see what your competitors are writing about.  While you should never steal from other sites (big no no), you can definitely put your own spin on a topic to make it fit with your style and build your brand awareness.
  3. When considering the title of your post think about what keywords your ideal customer is searching for. Get into your customer’s head.  It is important for these keywords to appear in the title of your post, and preferably at the beginning of your title, rather than being the last words in a 10-word title. Think about typing 4 keywords from your title into Google and see what comes up.   Consider how to make your post shine and get noticed by re-wording your title.
  4. Further, the content in the body of your post needs to have relevance to the title. Otherwise, Google won’t be happy. For example, your title states “10 ways to prevent dementia” and your blog content is all about joining a gambling app.  Potentially you are attracting readers through deception.  That’s no way to build credibility or establish yourself as the go-to expert in your field.
  5. Keep the title theme going throughout the post and replace keywords with synonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meaning to your keywords.   Consider scattering the keywords into subheadings.
  6. However, don’t jam up the body of your blog with your exact keywords. It won’t read well and won’t help your ranking either.  Relay your message using similar words and concepts instead.
  7. Show that you are trustworthy and an expert in your field. This will help with your ranking, and also creates a sense of trust with your readers.  Don’t try to trick Google, or your customers, with content that is not relevant to the title or to your business.  Be honest and upfront at all times.  It’s the only way to fly.
    13 steps to writing a Google-loving blog post
  8. Keep the length of your post between 800 – 2000 words. You guessed it – Google doesn’t like articles that are too short.  However, they don’t seem to mind long articles at all.  In fact, even articles as long as 8000 words have done well in the ranking system.  Beware – you have to keep your reader engaged.   If your post is too long Google might like it, but your reader might have fallen asleep!
  9. Consider your target customer at all times when writing your posts. Who are they and what do they need?  The more personalised your content feels, the more likely it is that people will actually read it, and importantly, share it (which boosts your ranking too).  Not sure how to discover your target customer?  Check out this in-depth advise from the Department of Business.
  10. Serving more than one type of customer? Rather than trying to cover all aspects of your business in one post, write a different post aimed at a different audience.  Keep things simple, clear and relevant.  This equals a happy customer and a happy Google.
  11. Add keywords to images on your post. If you are comfortable getting into the backend of your site then add the main keywords from your post title into the title field for the corresponding image that you will be using.  If someone else does this for you then check in with them to make certain they don’t miss this important Google-loving step.
  12. Set up hyperlinks. Internal hyperlinks:  Link your post with other relevant posts on your site.  Why?  Because it builds confidence and trust that your site is genuine, and you really are an expert in your field.  If you are not sure how to do this in the backend of your site, then ask someone you trust to show you how this is done.  Always ask an internal or external hyperlink to open on a new page.  This way your reader will be able to view the current post they are reading, and the linked post will open separately.External hyperlinks: Google loves external hyperlinks because it shows trustworthiness and credibility.  An external link is a hyperlink to another site or source which has no connection to your actual site.  The real bonus of external links is for the recipient site.  I have two words for you:  Collaboration & Networking…. Oh, and a third word:  Guest blogging.
  13. Build positive business growth momentum through committed communication with your customers. Decide what is feasible timewise and stick to it.  Your existing customers want to hear from you.  Potential customers want to learn about what you offer.  Google likes committed entrepreneurs who post quality words on a regular basis.

Build positive business growth momentum through committed communication with your customers.Share this now

The really good news is, we can write a Google-friendly post for you

If all of this seems too difficult, or you simply do not have time to write posts, then look at engaging a copywriter.   A copywriter will help get your important message out to the people who need to read it.  Discover how to save time, build organic growth, and stop wasting money on badly worded advertising that is getting you nowhere.

Although there are no guarantees with Google ranking, a great copywriter will do everything in their power to get your business showing up on page 1 of a Google search.   Just ensure that you brief them accurately and adequately.  This way they have a solid understanding of the backbone of your business.  All you have to do is make certain the copywriter clearly understands your intention for each blog post, email sequence, social media post, or newsletter that they write for your business.

In addition to writing content that pleases your potential customers, and Google, I can also rewrite your existing content.  As a result, you will better capture the attention of your readers.  And boost the growth of your business.  This equates to money well spent.

Simply get in touch on the Contact page (there’s no obligation).

Take care

Silva x

P.S. Flick me an email and let me know what you enjoy writing about.

P.P.S.  Take advantage of my current FREE offer.  Book your free Website Copy Health Check, valued at $99 (offer ends 30th April 2023).  Now that’s an easy win for you.

Main Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash
Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

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