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1950s style housewife
TradWives Won’t Save The World

But feminism just might. Perhaps I have been sleeping under a rock, but I only learned about the term ‘TradWife’ […]

Taking responsibility
Taking Responsibility: Own Your Life

Why showing up and owning it is up to you. A couple of days ago I was writing in my […]

The Crisis of Unfulfilled Potential

Is it too late for you? Without human interference, Nature always reaches her fullest potential. Every plant, every animal, has a […]

Cultivating self-awareness and emotional intelligence will set you miles apart from all the other leaders out there.
5 Keys of Mindful Leadership

Are you an established leader, or perhaps new to leadership? I won’t be naming names, but I have worked in […]

It doesn’t matter if you are writing for B2B or B2C, cut the bulls...t out, and always keep it simple
#1 Rule For Written Content: Keep It Simple

I don’t know about you, but writing in simple language can be really challenging. Sometimes I want to show off […]

Image of white folders, filled with documents. A white paper is a leader's best friend.
White Papers: What Are They, And Why Should Leaders Write One?

Great questions! A white paper is a business leader’s best friend. It is a comprehensive document that places you as […]

Keep that motivation going when everything just feels like really, really hard work.
7 Simple Steps To Keep Your Motivation Ignited

Being an entrepreneur is exciting, challenging, and sometimes down right scary. But you know that you have something special to share with […]

A little voice inside me said “let go and see what happens”. That’s what I did. And it was the most amazing, inspiring and growth enhancing experience that I am so grateful for.
How To Know When To Let Go

I have come to learn that there is a fine line between planning and winging it. As a business leader […]

I am currently reading The Ultimate Coach by Steve Hardison. This book has changed my life.
Can You Change Your State Of Being?

I’m currently reading “The Ultimate Coach”, written by Amy Hardison and Alan D. Thompson, written about Steve Hardison.  My copywriting mentor Nikhil Rughani recommended […]

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